Subjective Shortcomings Made Objective: A Path Toward Success in PhD Programs

Here is an outline of the article, and, for those with the attention span of a nickle, feel free to jump straight to the conclusion.

  1. Introduction
  2. A Successful Strategy for Subpar Results
  3. A Subpar Strategy for Successful Results
  4. Key Takeaways


A Successful Strategy for Subpar Results

A Subpar Strategy for Successful Results

Key Takeaways

This strategy may not be ideal for everyone, but it worked for me. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, I am an INTJ; I'm an Architect and what I'm suggesting may be useful for people with a similar disposition.

My first suggestion, for those interesting in achieving some ideal goal, turn the aspects of your life that are related into achieving this goal into a project that needs to be managed...then manage it.